
Organic & Simple


Organic and Simple is dedicated to sharing information and easy to make recipes that fit both individuals who have busy lifestyles as well as those with chronic illnesses.

The new title of this blog came about through a discussion about Pinterest recipes with my coworker and friend.

Where I Am Now
I have been enjoying trying to learn how to live healthier and with help and ideas from others. I truly hope my experiences and recipes that I share here can help others too!


A Little History
I’m a Digital Product Developer with experience in web design, graphic design, and social media. I have been employed at a nonprofit organization for about seven years and I have both a Bachelor’s degree and an Associate’s degree. I lived in Maryland for most of my life (GO RAVENS!) and love the area a lot. There are so many things to do there from visiting museums to visiting the Inner Harbor. There are a lot of places with great food and new things to try.

Now I live in the Triangle in North Carolina. Still exploring as I can and continuing to share my experiences through both Instagram, Facebook, and here too!

You can contact me through the Contact page or follow me on my social media which can be found here: Social Media List