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First Snow of 2020!

Hi everyone and welcome to the first snow of 2020 here in Durham, North Carolina!

It’s the end of February and guess what?! We just had our first snowstorm here in central North Carolina. Crazy isn’t it? Our first snowstorm of the year and it’s almost March! Who would have thought?

When it snows, I swear it feels so magical. The gentle pattering of snow falling, the quietness of nature, and the crispness of the air is so exciting and relaxing at the same time. What do you enjoy most about when it snows?

Taken in the evening nearing the end of the snowstorm in Durham, North Carolina.

I was so excited for the snow, I couldn’t resist taking photos and a couple short videos to share with all of you. Do you have any favorite activities for when weather strikes? Like making snowmen or having snowball fights? What about exploring your area (safely of course) and photographing the beauty and wonder of what you see?

Of course, I had to take a short video of the snow in the beginning of the storm too!

This was taken early on when the storm was just beginning in Durham, North Carolina.

When it snows, it’s the perfect time for warm and comforting foods! I love being able to drink home made hot chocolate or a cup of refreshing and calming green tea. For meals, warm oatmeal, cinnamon rolls, or stir frys and soups, stews, or chili. Basically, anything warm and comforting I find is absolutely perfect for this type of weather.

If your not sure of some ideas, my list below should help!


Main Meals:

Drinks and Desserts:

I hope these ideas help to make any cold and gray days more warm and comforting!

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