Breads · Food · Starters/Sides

Kitty’s Bread Recipe

Hi everyone! I know it has been awhile but things have been pretty busy here. I do have a few recipes for you all. My friend, Kitty, gave me permission to post these up as these are from her. You can check out her facebook group, Vegan Beginners, where she has even more vegan recipes!

Kitty’s Bread Recipe


  • 2 and 1/2 cups warm water
  • 1 Tbsp yeast
  • 1/4 cup of sugar to a half cup depending on how sweet you want your bread to be.
  • 2 tsp Salt
  • 5-6 Cups of Flour


Have two bowls ready first of all. Then bring out your ingredients. I find it makes the recipe go a bit smoother if I just bring everything that I need out. Then as I go along I run less of a risk of forgetting some key ingredient. Measure out your flour first in your other bowl first. Then you have no great rush to measure when your yeast activates.

I then grab my measuring cups and take one bowl and put the two and a half cups of warm water into the bowl. Then I measure out the yeast and the sugar and add them to the warm water and stir. Wait until your yeast activates. If you leave it alone it begins to make this strange formation in the bowl. If that grows then your yeast should be active and I normally wait until it has covered the top of the water in the bowl. Then I add the salt.

Once at this point I then add in almost all of the flour save for what might be seen as about a cups worth in the bowl. Stir in the flour with the sugary water until a soft dough forms. It is sticky and this is why you leave about a cup worth of flour at the bottom of the other bowl. Keep adding and kneading gently until it is mostly absorbed the loose flour and has a nice smooth texture. It doesn’t have to be perfect.

Once you have this ball of dough put it back into a bowl and cover it and wait two hours until it doubles in size. Somewhere warm. Once it has doubled then you take it out of the bowl and cut it into two halves and taking one half begin to roll it out with a rolling pin. Do this gently and once you have a semi rectangular shape roll it onto itself and tuck in the ends. Before you put the dough onto the sheet make sure you have covered the surface with some hemp oil or an oil of your choice. Then place them each on a separate baking sheet. Allow to rise another two hours in a warm room.

Heat your oven to 350 degrees or 180 Celsius works as well. Bake for twenty minutes or until the loaves sound hollow. The loaves in the picture i made a bit more special. I added in green olives in sunflower oil with sundried tomato fillings. Added Pine nuts and basil and baked it inside. I hope you try this and I hope you find it as easy as i do.

Note for electric mixers (Like kitchenaid/etc): Add the water, sugar and yeast into the bowl of your mixer. Attach the dough hook. Once the yeast makes it’s formation in the sugary water, add the salt and then the flour. Stir at number 2 or another low speed. Once dough forms and is “kneaded”, can let it rest for the two hours and continue following the instructions.



I usually use my electric mixer to mix all the ingredients and let it rise in the bowl for the two hours. It rises a lot! I usually have enough for either two long loafs of bread or if I use bread pans, two small loafs and some dough for cinnamon rolls!

Either way, this bread is delicious!

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